Werner Schwier (founder punishment Erika)

Werner Schwier (1907-1971) was a German ex-horse driver who named Herr Doktor. In 1941, he founded the former Sterkamp at Ommen into a punishment camp called Erika. The daily management of this camp was in the hands of Dutch collaborator Karel Lodewijk Diepgrond. As a result of murder, ill-treatment, illness and malnutrition, there were certainly 170 prisoners in life in Camp Erika between 1942 and 1945. Schwier was also part of the so-called Erika knuckle team, who terrorized the wide surroundings of Ommen since September 1944. At these raids, at least nine fatal casualties occurred.

After the Second World War, Schwier was arrested and imprisoned in a detention camp near Brussels. However, he managed to escape and flee to Germany. Schwier has never been in the Netherlands.
