Kindertheater Look at her now

Kindertheater Look Haar Nou is a theater group from Rotterdam founded in 1991 by Gerdien Braams.

From the start, the group focused on developing a toddler / kindergarten theater (in that time it was relatively new) and children's theater. Later, the group expanded the programming with family performances. From 2000, the group also commedia dell'Arte (to classical Italian example). Watch Her Now, since 1998, she extended workshops to people who do not or hardly come into contact with theater such as people in disadvantaged areas and people with disabilities, and developed special integration workshops. One of the goals is also to achieve a more integrated art experience by interfering with various forms (such as dance and music) in the workshops outside of their own disciplines. At the end of 2015, look closely at her development of theatrical performances especially for the blind and visually impaired. The first performance will be succesfully performed in May 2016 for a selected audience.
