
The K (r) broccoli (Gethyllis afra) is a plant of the Alliaceae family (or Amaryllidaceae) that occurs naturally in western South Africa. The plant is endemic in the province of the Western Cape of South Africa and is listed on the South African Red List as least care (LC)

The plant is a bulbous crop and betrays its presence in summer, around Christmas, by just leaving a flower above the ground, which then regains and disappears. The ovary is underground and remains cool. Only after the rain has fallen in autumn is curling leaves together with a fruit that looks like a small bane. The plant is not much higher than 10-15 cm. The fruit is edible and very tasty.

It was already eaten by the Khoi who inhabited the Western Cape before the arrival of the Dutchmen of the VOC. The last ones also appreciated the fruit and used him to include a brandy that would have been good for the stomach.

The origin of the name is not well known, but is probably from a Khoisantaal.
