Bruno Oscar Becker (Russian: Бруно Оскар Беккер) (St. Petersburg, March 15, 1885 - Amsterdam, March 23, 1968) was a Dutch historian, slave and professor.

He was born in Russia as the son of German-Russian parents.

Becker studied ancient languages ​​and history at the University of St. Petersburg and graduated there in 1912.

In 1913, he emigrated with his wife and daughter to the Netherlands, where he became a citizen in 1935.

In July 1945, Becker became professor at the University of Amsterdam in Russian history, language and literature. He began the courses Slavic and Russian Studies and in 1948 he became Director of the new Russia Institute, extended from 1961 to the Eastern Europe Institute.

Among his most famous students were Aleida Schot, Jan Willem Bezemer, Carl Ebeling and Charles of the Reve.
