Joan Geelvinck (1644-1707)

Joan Geelvinck (1644-1707) was the eldest son of Cornelis Geelvinck and Albert Geelvinck's brother. He was a merchant, VOC's governor, and lived at Singel 460, in the property today known as Odeon. He was married to Anna van Loon.

Geelvinck was together with Nicolaes Witsen, involved in the expedition of the De Geelvink ship under the command of Willem de Vlamingh, to map the west coast of Australia. Around 1705, the ship went to New Guinea and discovered the Geelvink Bay. The islands located therein were called the Yellow Wine Islands. Language scientists speak of the Geelvinkbaaitalen, the founding parrots, flying foxes, Pteropus pohlei and tree frogs also received the name Geelvink.
