
Melitation is a discipline that investigates the links between the signs of the Zodiac, the planets, the Sun, the Moon, and the human body. Stored by wikitesto

The discipline is born in classical Greece. Hippocrates may be regarded as the spiritual father of discipline, as his studies considered man a microcosm on which different moods acted. The founder of astrological medicine is Beroso, a priest living in Babylon in the 3rd century BC, who opened the astrological school of Kos.

The discipline is coded in Roman times with Marco Manilio and his Astronomical text, which contains the scheme that each part of the body will connect to the zodiacal signs. The Iatromathematicamodifies wikitesto

The chart contained in Marco Manilio's text lay the foundations for iatromathemata, the medical science that seeks to identify the strengths and weaknesses of an individual and the most appropriate way to intervene. Virtually: Ariete's zodiac sign is like a sphere of influence on the skull, and born under this sign will be subjected to head injuries and depressive attacks. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto
