The weekend chess tournament (short weekend weekend) is a tournament tournament tournament in the Netherlands. These tournaments consist of six laps that are classified according to the Swiss classification system.
The popularity of this tournament form lies in the fact that it allows the amateurs to play a tournament with the serious playing rate (usually 2 hours per person per party) without having to include leave. They also have the opportunity to come out against a grandmaster (usually professionals). They play these tournaments especially as breadmaking.
Set upNot all tournaments handle exactly the same time and play rate, but overall, the layout is as follows:
Normally it is possible to take a so-called bye before one of the first four laps, giving the player a half-point. History
The oldest played weekend tournament is the OKU of Chess Association Paul Keres, played since 1974. The Daniel Noteboom tournament of the Leidsch Chess Society is longer, but has only been a weekend tournament since 1979. List of weekend tournaments No more existing tournaments