Chlorophyll Kid

Chlorophyll Kid is an imaginary character, a superhero in the DC Universe. Biography of the personaggiomodifica wikitesto

Chlorophyll Kid was born with the name of Ral Benem on the planet Mardru. As a young man, he accidentally fell into a pothole of hydroponics that gave him the power to stimulate plant growth: he could grow a plant from a seed in a few seconds. Ral can also direct the growth of the vines so that they can twist around a person trapping it, in fact it always brings along a variety of seeds to use in many ways. He also said that he could talk to plants. Ral possesses extensive knowledge of all species and types of plants and seeds. He came to the test to become a member of the Legion of Super Heroes, but was rejected when the Legion decided that his powers could not be useful on mission. Along with many others rejected, he helped form the Legion of Substituted Heroes.

Chlorophyll Kid appeared in the conclusive Legion of Super Heroes, where he was depicted in a more comical manner. In this story, it seemed to have put more weight.

In the story "Superman and the Super Hero Legion" featured in Action Comics, Chlorophyll Kid and his comrades were sent to distract the renegade Justice League. It seemed that Chlorophyll Kid had much greater control over his powers, and defeated Storm Boy successfully. Now, his hands took the form of a plant when he used his powers. In other media wikitesto media

Chlorophyll Kid appeared in the episode "Lightning Storm" and "The Substitute" of the animated series Legion of Super Heroes. Voices correlateemodify wikitesto
