Roelf Korvemaker

Roelf Korvemaker (Wedde, December 9, 1892 - Liebenau, March 21, 1945) was a Dutch driver, cardboard worker and resistance warrior. biography

Korvemaker lived in Nieuwe Pekela. He was a son of the laborer Jan Kovemaker and the seaman Anna Ottjes. He was married to Alka Molema, daughter of the farmer Willem Molema and Lammegien Pathuis from Nieuwe Pekela. He was a Christian-reformed.

In the Second World War, Korvemaker provided shelter to subversives, spread Illegal literature and gave financial support to the resistance. An evacuated evacuation against NSBs in his place of residence caused him to be arrested on November 28, 1944. He was subsequently imprisoned in the Scholtenhuis in Groningen, Hanover and Kniggenbrink camp at Egestorf. Although he took a flight attempt, he was arrested and imprisoned again.

On March 16, 1945, he was tortured by Hanover at Hanover so that he sustained his injuries a few days later in Lahde, (Minden County).

Korvemaker is buried at the Ostarbeiterfriedhof in Bierde, Kreis Minden.
