Eadwulf of Northumbria

Eadwulf (... - ...) reigned on Northumbria from Aldrich's death in December 704 to February / March 705 when Aldfrith's son, Osred, was put on the throne.

Osred was a child when his father died and Eadwulf usurped power. Earlier, Eadwulf seemed to have had the support of the ealdorman Berhtfrith, Berhtred's son, probably lord of Bernicia's northeast border. However, a crisis broke out soon: Bishop Wilfrid, exiled by Aldfrith, decided to return to Northumbria. This broke out the civil war between Eadwulf and Berhtfirth, which culminated in the siege of Bamburgh and the victory of Berhtfrith, Wilfrid and Osred's followers, which was restored to the throne of Northumbria. Eadwulf went exile or in Dál Riata or in the Pitti country and in exile he would die, as the Ulster Annals of the Uster say in 717. His son Earnwine was killed by Euphrates of Northumbria in 740. Eadwulf's nephew, Eardwulf , and the son of Eardwulf, Eanred, will later become King Northumbria. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto Voices correlateemodify wikitesto
