Baldwin Street

Baldwin Street, located in a suburb of Dunedin, New Zealand, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the steepest street in the world. The 350m long road has a 35% increase in the steepest point. The road goes straight for every 2,86 meter horizontally.

The Dunedin Street Map was drawn by policymakers in London in the 19th century, without a view of the actual site. The slope of the street is thus unintentional.

The higher part of the street is covered with concrete, as asphalt would flow down on hot days.

Since mid-1990, it is held "Baldwin Street Gutbuster", where participants go to the top and back again. The participant number of the annual event can rise to 1000. Media files 45 ° 50 '58 "ZB, 170 ° 32' 5" OL
