Blood of Christ (Donatello)

The Window of Christ's Blood is a work attributed to Donatello kept in the church of Sante Flora and Lucilla di Torrita di Siena. The dating is controversial and oscillates between the years 1430, period of the best works of the sculptor, and the years 1457-1459 when the artist, already an elder, worked in Siena. It is marble and measures 39.8x67 cm.

The work, already at the Maestri Hospital, shows a rare iconography in which the risen Christ is re-bonded at the time of the Passion, since he is pouring his own blood into an angel-like ampule. Other angels fly around and recall a compositional scheme with an "almond" similar to that of the panel of the Assumption of the Virgin on the tomb of Cardinal Rainaldo Brancaccio of the Church of Sant'Angelo in Nile in Naples. Links externalize the wikitesto
