European focal point for world religions

The European Trigger for World Religions or ETW is a 2012-centered knowledge center for world religions. Explanation

At the end of 2008, the Catholic University of Leuven and the canonists of the Holy Sepulcher joined forces to set up some buildings of the Herkenrode Abbey in Kuringen, Hasselt in Limburg for this purpose. The whole is financed by the Province of Limburg through the Limburg Limburg brand. The ETW is housed in the religious part of Herkenrode, around the existing monastery and reflection center of the Sisters of the Holy Sepulcher. The project is entirely about contemplative sentiment of the different beliefs.

The center aims to grow into an interreligious meeting place. To this end, a permanent exhibition is scheduled for all world religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Freedom of Humanism. It is also possible to portray all the rituals that follow the religions during the most important moments of life (birth, adulthood, marriage). An educational service will provide support for the education. Furthermore, lectures, concerts and temporary exhibitions will take place in order to deepen into world religions. Initiative

It was established on the initiative of Professor Bert Broeckaert of the Catholic University of Leuven and the Limburgian deputy Mark Vandeput. The former is at the university coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Center Religion Studies & amp; Interviewing Dialogue or ICRID. This cooperation must guarantee the scientific approach of the ETW. In the long term, one wants to become a leading research institution in the field of religious diversity in Europe.
