
Microblogging is a form of internet service that allows users to publish short text or multimedia clips on the Internet. As the name suggests, microblogging seems to be blogging (tracking a weblog), but only in the case of microblogging services are the fragments much smaller. It is usually a single picture (with title or caption), or a small text message of no more than a few lines.

The most popular microblogging service is Twitter. This website allows users to specify in a maximum of 140 characters what they are doing at a particular time. They can then subscribe to the updates of their contacts. In addition to indicating what one is doing, many people also use Twitter to share, for example, share announcements, and ask questions to their friends or the public in general (crowdsourcing).

Twitter's service has many similarities with, for example, the status updates from Facebook and those who like Hyves. In a sense, these social networking sites also offer microblogging, in addition to their other services.

Services similar to Twitter include Brightkite, Identi.ca, Jaiku, Pownce, and Weibo in China. Other examples of microblogging are media services like Mobypicture and Lifestream Services:
