
Foeyonghai (Traditional Chinese: 芙蓉 蛋, Cantonese: Foe Yong Shark, and also known as Foe Young Shark, or Fu Yong Shark) is a Chinese omelette dish in a tomato sauce.

Originally shrimp were a basic ingredient together with spring onions. Later, a kind of scrambled egg was mixed with crab (蟹). The addition of the famous foeyong sauce, a simple sweet but fat tomato sauce, is another adaptation.

Today, the recipe is further modified, and can be obtained vegetatively or with other meat types, such as cha siu (叉燒), which is cheaper than crab or shrimp.

According to the Chinese Indian cookbook Lecturama from 1979, foeyong is the property right. If you add crab, it becomes foeyonghai; with chicken is called Foe yong kai, and with shrimp Foe yong ha.

The Chinese "fu yong" is a dialect for hibiscus, a flower name given because the appearance of the dish would call associations with that flower.

