Fold in Main plate

Inlaag Hoofdplaat is a nature reserve west of Hoofdplaat, in the Dutch province of Zeeland. It is owned by the nature conservation organization Het Zeeuwse Landschap.


The entries form the northern part of the main plate polder depicted in 1778. When this polder was laid on, there was still a considerable width of burrs for the dike. The construction of the polder, however, had a narrowing of the Westerschelde as a consequence, which also changed the flow pattern. As early as 1795 the flow had cleared these briers and feared the dike. One had to make the first deposits as a regular dike trap occurred. Also in 1811 and 1814 were repositories, while in 1921 and 1922 the dike moved further inland. Current deposits lie between the 1922 and 1911 dikes. The current catchment area measures approximately 88 ha, while more than 290 ha of polder was sacrificed at sea. Nature reserve

The nature reserve is located between the "Scaldia" holiday park near Hoofdplaat, and the Hoogeweg neighborhood, to the west. Known as the Vossekaai it is an alternate area with a poplar forest, meadows, and dragging meadows. The area to the west of the poplar forest, which was used as a pasture in the past, was redeveloped in 2001, with the top layer being dug out.

In particular, a very small hay island houses a number of rare plant species, such as rietorchis and four other orchids, silkworm, silk seal, silent rust and cat horn. The parasitic clover rider grows for a number of years, and hardly anymore on this hay island. In 2000, the small-flowered sage was found on a dike, a plant that was last seen in the Netherlands in 1948 and is now the only growth place in the Benelux. Schaafstro grows in a moist willow bush.

In the dragging area in the eastern part, red water prices are growing. Birds include baardmannetje, brown kiefendief and little egret. The argus butterfly is found. Accessibility

A walk has been widened by some of the area. External source
