Mariano Soriano

Mariano Soriano (Murcia, 1817 - Madrid, 1880) was a musicologist and a Spanish teacher.

His name is remembered as being a pioneer in the field of Iberian musicology.

In 1841 he founded the first music magazine in Spain, called Iberia musical y literary, and two years later he was assigned to teach at the Conservatory of Madrid.

His career as a teacher continued at the Liceo Musicale of Cordoba, then in Seville and finally in Cadiz.

Among its activities is also the direction of the orchestra of the Barcelona opera, where he founded the Gaceta musical barcelona.

Numerous sono state le sue pubblicazioni, e tra le principali, si annovera: History of Spanish music since the arrival of the Phoenicians until the year 1850 (1855). Notemodify wikitesto Other designers wikitesto

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