Gamepower is a Flemish television program on video games on youth channel JIMtv.
Former presenter, Frank Molnar, made sure that the program was mostly about mere women instead of video games. As a result, Gamepower became the best-viewed program on JIMtv, which allowed it to remain on the network of Jo Nachtergaele in that form. On the Gamepower forum of the JIM website, gamers screamed and fired about the unprofessional attitude of frontman Molnar. He did not know anything about games and would be anything but objective.
The editors and employees of Gamepower, including co-presenter Jan De Volder, could no longer handle the situation.
After switching from Frank Molnar to TMF, Gamepower remained under the editors of Official PlayStation Magazine Benelux. Gamepower remains in its original subject: video games. It was presented by Jan Van den Bossche. Gamepower can be compared to Gunk TV, which can be seen on TMF. season 2006 - 2007
In 2006 Gamepower was put in a completely new jacket and got a few new headlines. Also, it is no longer recorded in a studio, but it is now completely outside. Often the two VJs can be seen in their car or somewhere in a city center or at a game event. In each episode they accidentally encounter a bloody lady on their way, which appears in a few minutes under the heading "The Weekly Cannon Cannon". It is currently being presented by VJ Rik and VJ Niko. season 2007 - 2008
In the last new season, some minor adjustments have been made. The watchdog of the week has now disappeared and Gamepower goes to sea with Media Market under the heading "Media Market Top 5". Uitzenduren