Multiple Listing Service

The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is an active operating method for real estate agents, which includes the sharing and advertising of real estate listings, in order to allow broad collaboration between the parties in favor of both agencies and customers .

The Multiple Listing Service was born in the United States in the early twentieth century and has been used by all real estate networks for decades. In Europe it has been present for some decades, while in Italy it has begun to develop from the mid-nineties.

Through the MLS, operators can best meet customer demands, be it in favor of both supply and demand. Indeed, those who sell will have the opportunity to have a larger audience while buyers will have a greater choice of properties. The objective of the MLS is to create a share portfolio as wide as possible: in this way it is possible to improve the service to the consumer as well as increase the business opportunities of the individual operators. Among the strengths of the system, there is the free service of automatic crossing between demand and supply. A buyer's account will be able to submit your detailed request to your Real Estate Agent. While the sales customer will be able to assign the sales mandate to his trusted agent. The computing platform will constantly meet buyer requests with vendor bidding (automatic matching). Wikitesto function

The Multiple Listing Service system is a professional tool developed for real estate brokers. Any adherent to the sharing system can enter real estate ads for which he has received an exclusive sales mandate and at the same time consult ads posted by other members in the share system. If a transaction is completed, the system uses a sharing of commissions between the buyer's agent and the agency that had the exclusive sales mandate. This work methodology, already widely spread in Anglo-Saxon countries, brings clear benefits to the brokerage market: Voices correlateemodify wikitesto
