Yolande van Valois

Yolande of Valois (Tours, September 23, 1434 - Chambery, August 28, 1478) was a daughter of Charles VII of France and of Maria van Anjou. She was married in 1452 with Amadeus IX of Savoy (1435-1472) and was the mother of:

Because her husband was weak and ill and was little interested in government work, he left the board to the lively and energetic Yolande, who had to pay off with the open opposition of the nobility of Savoy. As a widow, she took the regency until 1478 in the name of her son Filibert I.

She also had to pay off the ambitions of Karel de Stoute. Traditionally, the dukes of Savoye were ally of Switzerland, but the growing power of the Duke of Burgundy made a favorable agreement. Yolande was inclined to agree with the Burgundian, who held her in the tongs by an agreement between Burgundy and Milan. Her brother, Louis XI of France, attempted to expel her and appoint Philip van Bresse as a reign in her place. After the defeat of Karel de Stoute in battle with Grandson and the Battle of Murten, she once again chose France and Switzerland, but Karel abducted her by captain Olivier de la Marche and held her in the castle of Rouvres. She could escape a few months later, but died shortly thereafter. Sources
